The project “E-learning prospects for humanities” answers the challenges of online teaching in the field of humanities. These challenges are associated with the need of implementing diverse, effective, and attractive to young people forms of distance learning. Joint activities of the universities involved in the project will allow its members to diagnose the needs related to distance teaching, analyze good practices in the field of distance learning and, finally, stimulate virtual forms of cooperation and communication.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen cooperation between the five partner institutions and increase their internationalization by developing and disseminating modern teaching tools as well as exchanging good practices in distance learning.
Specific objectives of the project:
- promoting the idea of using various information and communications technologies and open educational resources (OER) at the level of higher education,
- broadening the knowledge of new technologies and interactive tools as means of knowledge dissemination,
- and stimulating virtual forms of cooperation and communication.
Project activities include the preparation of two results of intellectual work: first, a report on e-learning in the humanities together with a set of good practices and recommendations; second, a practical toolkit for academic teachers which will provide support in the daily work with students (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle). Finally, two short training programmes for academic staff, as well as various dissemination events (workshops in all partner countries and a summary conference) have been planned.
Project’s lifecycle

Harmonogram działań w ramach projektu (pdf, 457 kB)