New Methods, Directions, and Policies in Educology
Application of Visualizations Strategy in Contemporary Educology
3 h (4 academic hours)
Online, synchronous, asynchronous homework
- to introduct visualization strategies and methods in modern educology
- to outline how visualization strategies can be used in ‘sensory learning’ methodology
- to discover the connection between the use of visualization strategies in a class and the formation of a student’s critical thinking
- students will be introduced to the types of visualization strategies for ‘sensory learning’ methodology
- students will get acquainted with visualization methods and their application in a class
- students will get skills to use digital visualization tools in a class
Zoom, MS Teams or any platform suitable for distance learning; Worksheet/Google Forms (using for the exercice Feedback by students for students); All iOS devices (for homework exercise CREATE. CONNECT. COLLAGE.); online tools for visualization (to try optionally): Creately; Stat Planet; Gunn Map 2; Many Eyes; Gliffy; Wordle;; Twitter Visualizer; Padlet (using for the exercise Let’s pre-debate).
It is the lecture ideologicaly based on the ‘sensory learning’ methodology during which:
(a) students must understand the significance of visualization strategies in contemporary educology;
(b) students form their own opinion about the importance of visualization in learning prosecces;
(c) students get acquainted with visualization types of methods and tools in practice;
(d) students get benefits of hands-on visualization (doing homework exercise CREATE. CONNECT. COLLAGE);
(e) students develop a culture of critical thinking and debate (doing exercises Feedback by students for students; Let’s pre-debate).
During the lecture, students are introduced to the importance of visualization in order to achieve an effective learning outcome. It is examined the cognitive and neuroscience-based reasons why visualization is particularly effective for the modern brain, which is accustomed to the 3D perception of the world’s model, are examined.
Types of visualization discussed (infographics, lingvographics, image / picture; emoji; sound symbolism; mapping).
Students practice visualization tools.
There is a discussion about the impact of visualization methods: ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’
In summary, the lecture assigns homework to visualize and document students knowledge of modern methods in education.
Sensory learning
Mental picture
Image / picture
Sound symbolism
Critical thinking
The teacher introduces the importance of visualization strategies in the ‘sensory learning’ environment.
It explains how visualization affects our thinking and cognition of the world. The teather also analyses the processes that take place in our brain when the image is involved in the processes of perception.
Personalized analysis.
To personalize the knowledge about visualization like edukological strategy acquired, students are invited to watch a short video (Annex I) about the place of visualization in the educational process.
Before watching the video, it is agreed who of the students will prepare a short presentation after the video, in which he/she will reveal his/her opinion about the application of visualization methods in education. The student will receive the grade for the presentation, so there should be likely to be volunteers. If there are no volunteers, the teacher appoints the student.
Note: If a teacher often applies strategies to a particular student to complete an assignment during a lecture, it is worth making a “rolling schedule” so that all students receive an individual assignment during the semester.
Other students are encouraged to prepare to evaluate a friend’s presentation and:
(1) supplemented by facts and insights that seem important to them;
(2) to share their impressions caused by the video shown;
(3) to share their experiences of whether they had to visualize data or language.
The debates is organized on the basis of the exercise Feedback by students for students is used:
Output 2 → Toolkit – Exercises → CRITICAL ANALYSIS, Exercise Feedback by students for students.
Methods of visualization.
The teacher briefly summarize the results of the debates and continue with analyzing the methods of data (language) visualization.
Then, together with the students, watch an interview with a professor of visual arts. Professor discusses the methods of visualization and the effectiveness of their use (Annex II).
Students are asked to mark all problematic and unclear areas while watching the video, as they will be discussed in the discussion ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’ during the next lecture.
Preparing for the discussion ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’. Part 1.
Problem and insights caused by reviewed videos are fixed on the basis of the exercise Let’s pre-debate: Output 2 → Toolkit – Exercises → DEBATE_DISCUSSION, Exercise Let’s pre-debate.
Note 1: At this stage of the lecture, three (STEP 1; STEP 2; STEP 3) steps of the exercise are completed.
Note 2: If the next lecture on the topic takes place the next day, students can be advised to watch the videos again at home and critically evaluate their readiness for the discussion in the next lecture.
Visualization strategy in education.
Returning after the break, students reproduce their knowledge of visualization by watching video about visualization strategies during the educational process (Annex III).
They are also invited to add new insights to their submissions that will be needed for discussion.
Preparing for the discussion ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’. Part 2.
New insighns caused by reviewed on more videos are fixed on the base of the exercise Let’s pre-debate: Output 2 → Toolkit – Exercises → DEBATE_DISCUSSION, Exercise Let’s pre-debate.
Note 1: at this stage of the lecture, three (STEP 1; STEP 2; STEP 3) steps of the exercise are completed.
The discussion ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’
The discussion ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’ is organized on the base of the exercise Let’s pre-debate: Output 2 → Toolkit – Exercises → DEBATE_DISCUSSION, Exercise Let’s pre-debate.
Note 1: at this stage of the lecture STEP 4 of the exercise is completed.
Note 2: It is very important to keep track of the time of the discussion and not let it get in the way.
It is recommended to allow 20 to 30 minutes for the discussion.
Tools for visualization online.
The teacher presents the visualization tools online and offers students to dive after them, read the manuals (Annex IV). Allow 30 minutes for this. Students are encouraged to ask questions and share their views on the tools being analysed.
Students can try out visualization methods in practise at home by completing a task based on the exercises CREATE. CONNECT. COLLAGE: Output 2 → Toolkit → Exercises → REFLECTION, Exercise CREATE. CONNECT. COLLAGE.
Annex I. The short video for debates Feedback by students for students:
Annex II: Video about visualization techniques (methods) for the discussion ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’ (in Lithuanian)
Annex III. Video about visualization in educology for the discussion ‘Are modern methods like visualization more effective than classical methods?’
Annex IV. List of visualization tools:
Creately; Stat Planet; Gunn Map 2; Many Eyes; Gliffy; Wordle;; Twitter Visualizer.